Saturday, September 02, 2006

"The best way to find a terrorist award" goes to...US

Many of u have given ur GRE/GMAT/SAT and have applied for american universities. The lucky few went to the next hurdle of actually applying for a visa at the US consulate. What did u notice on the forms there?

The one thing that stood out for me were the question:
1)Are you a terrorist?
2)Are you planning to engage in terrorist activities in US like blowing up bridges, making bombs etc.?

Any half-witted terrorist would say no to these questions. Those whom are even more stupid would actually go through the options mentioned in the second questions and say no eventually as those are the outdated methods of terrorism.

So what is the point in asing these questions? To show the the world that they care for people or to make the application procedure more difficult by increasing the questions?

Neways I think it would have made more sense if they made u fill out the questionnaire with a lie detector attached so that they couls atlteast tell the difference.

(Anyone trying to use this method will be charged for copyright violation !!)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I...the backbencher

Who says there is no class discrimination in India...what about these 3 castes
1)the backbenchers (the lower class/caste)
2)the front benchers (the upper class/caste)
3)the middle rows (who cares about them anyway).

I belong to the backbencher caste (though not being born into it). I have heard a lot of criticism throughout my life for being a backbencher but being a selfish person, I prefer to belong to that caste.Here are the reasons why ::

1) U can see all the hot chicks without getting noticed.
2) U can earn the title of the 'Class Gossiper' as all the events happening in the class are registered by u.
3) U are always noticed by the teacher as she knows u are a potential candidate for making mischief.
4) As the many classrooms are not stepped in India, it is in ur hand when to be in focus of the teacher's attention and when to hide away from her.
5) U could always eat ur tiffin there.
6) If u perform well, the teacher gets doubly impressed as I was a backbencher.

Even in USA after paying 10,000$ I didn't feel like changing my caste because:

1) All the above mentioned advantages.
2) U can play chess games on ur laptop and make the Prof. beieve that u are taking notes.
3) U can escape from the class without getting noticed.

So why does one want to belong to that upper caste when u have these advantages by being a backward caste??

(For the ignorant few, in HBS the last 2 rows are the most powerful rows name the Powerdeck and the Skydeck resp.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Colbert (Kolber) Report

I have recently been watching the clips of 'The Stephen Colbert show' and have to admit that they are witty and sarcastic. The topics are mostly political and the people on the show are mostly those who won't survive his barrage of questions.

The show is very entertaining for a couple of days but then starts getting on ur nerves as the ideas turn out to be repetative and dull.

Still worth giving a shot...

Abhi says

This is abhishek. first of all i would like to mention that saurabh is a real genious.
about how i managed to score... u just have to have a tactic, a method to do a certain thing. saurabh helped me out and i succeeded, thnx to him. one more thing, nothing is impossible and also, impossible is nothing.

Monday, August 28, 2006

A friend's story....

I have a friend named Abhishek/Nulls (Ya just like a Null in C++). A simple down to earth guy with a big laugh and a huge appetite for movies, girls and Vodka. One would think why am I mentioning this guy in my blog ?? The answer is simple...He did something which even he didn't feel possible before.

A year back I remember him as a YD(year down) in Mech Engg. But today he has scored a whooping 72% in BE exams. Hats off to you Nulls !!!

Now the questions in ur mind would be--
1) How did he do that ?
2) Can I do the same ?

Please be patient as I have told him to write the answers in the next post !!!

Motivation (cont...)

I was thinking regarding motivation in one's life. What motivates a person ??
I found that even though I said a person can have different motivations, there is a common underlying logic behind all of them. " Its one's competition against oneself ".

I feel that a person has 2 different images. One is the internal image and the second is the external image(or the real image). The internal/virtual image is what a person believes he can be like a Superman or a Beggar. The external image on the other hand is what the person actually is in real life.

Real image <= Virtual image -> since -> consciouusmind <= subconscious mind.

I feel that a person feels the lack of motivation when his perceived image matches is real image or that there is a tremendous difference between the two.

In short my lack of motivation can either be due to my inferior complex or due to the fullfillment of my dreams...What can it be??