Saturday, September 02, 2006

"The best way to find a terrorist award" goes to...US

Many of u have given ur GRE/GMAT/SAT and have applied for american universities. The lucky few went to the next hurdle of actually applying for a visa at the US consulate. What did u notice on the forms there?

The one thing that stood out for me were the question:
1)Are you a terrorist?
2)Are you planning to engage in terrorist activities in US like blowing up bridges, making bombs etc.?

Any half-witted terrorist would say no to these questions. Those whom are even more stupid would actually go through the options mentioned in the second questions and say no eventually as those are the outdated methods of terrorism.

So what is the point in asing these questions? To show the the world that they care for people or to make the application procedure more difficult by increasing the questions?

Neways I think it would have made more sense if they made u fill out the questionnaire with a lie detector attached so that they couls atlteast tell the difference.

(Anyone trying to use this method will be charged for copyright violation !!)

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