Saturday, September 16, 2006

The ultimate goal of humanity ... DEATH

I was recently thinking about goal setting. What should my goal be? Should it be earning millions of dollars, or getting a decent paying job etc.. As I was not able to finalize my goal, I started thinking about the ultimate goal of all humanity. I figured out that my goal must be a part of that "Big Goal" as it is always being said that - Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.

Let us think for a moment where humanity is heading. What is the ultimate aim of humanity? From my perspective the ultimate of humanity would be "Instant gratification of ones thought". This means that if I think about being hungry, I would instantly be fed magically and feel full or if I feel like communicating with a particular person, I should be able to do that just by thought. A person cannot go further than that because everything originates from thought.

So what will happen further...there will be no evolution as there is nothing left to evolve and as there is nothing further to do, the species would die as "Death of human species would be the only thing left to do (Death would be the only thought remaining to be tried)". So the whole goal of humanity is to "DIE". So dont feel bad if u havent set any goals as they would only be helping humanity to perish.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I am against water conservation....

Hold on..Hold on...don't start cursing me just by reading the title...just hear out my side. I am currently living in USA. Here all the people are water conservationalists(those who save water). They use paper towels(tissues) to replace water everywhere. So they use tissues to clean after cooking, to wipe tables and also to wipe out the "stalactites" left after answering the nature's call.

So here comes my problem. As being born and brought up in India, I am habituated with using water to clean my b**t every morning. So after 20 years, a neural binary switch has been created in my brain which tells me whether I am : clean / not-clean. As this switch gets triggered only by the use of water, a continious alarm goes off in my mind reminding me of being dirty whenever I use tissues. In order to repair this switch, I started researching to find out the value of x in this equation:

Cleaning effect of x*(tissue) = Cleaning effect by water

Concluding from the same reasons for which we use water for bathing, the value of x must be very large. So to have the same 'cleaning effect', we have to use large quantities of paper everyday. This implies that the Americans are against 'forrest conservation' as paper comes indirectly from forrests. Hence logically speaking, u are either against 'water conservation' or against 'forrest conservation'. Take ur pick !!

As to me, I always believe in the Indian TV commercial "Dho Dala" !!!