Friday, September 08, 2006

My face value = Cheat

We have observed that people have a habit of passing judgements by looking at a person's face. They think they are able to tell whether he/she is a rich, egoistic or a plain stupid (having a big question mark on his face). In this aspect, I have reasons to believe that the value associated with my face is that of a prankster or a cheat.(photo in my profile for reference)

1) At the 10th Board Exams I was the only person to be checked for 'chits/hidden notes' in the whole class.
2) Every year during my BE, I was to be checked for hidden chits.
3) Even during my MS, people come up to me for putting in proxies even though I don't know them.

What makes a person's face the way it is? Are they really the reflection of his genes and intentions? How are people able to identify these characteristics in a person? Are these face patterns stored in a person's brain when he is born (filtered through evolution) or get created depending upon his life experiences. If we can get a statistical survey of various parameters of a face then a real cheat can create an 'honest face' through plastic surgery and become the con man of the century (maybe like " Mhamta Gnahdi "....u definately must have read it as Mahatma Gandhi...why do people hate that man so much?)

Neways as most of u would know, I am above average in terms of getting grades. So it hurts evertime I am checked for cheating. I think its high time for me to start wearing 'shades/goggles' to hide my real face and bring out the cool many of the Bollywood actors do. As the saying goes.."Who says life is fair" !!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why the world doesn't need ''

I recently had the misfortune of encountering '' website when I was checking my mail. As I too am of marriageable age, I decided to checkout the site in detail. I entered my 'ideal girl' parameters and guess what I found out...utter crap. All the girls there were bad looking and had utterly boring preferences for a husband.

This set me thinking about the site. Why do they show such crap to the 'guests' browsing through and expect them to pay money to register to this site. Atleast they should try to bluff us in this way:
They can create dummy profiles of good looking people and put them on display for us. Later when we register and try to contact these people, the can send dummy messages saying these people are not interested in ur profile. Atleast people won't repent spending their money on this site.

From looking at '', I have now come up with an idea for making money on the internet. You all the the very popular site '' which hosts millions of profiles of people. All I have to do is make an interface that looks like' and the search through 'orkut' database for the perfect girl/boy. Plus we Indians search for a suitable match through friends and relatives...and BINGO
we can seach through friends -> friends -> friends.. on orkut. I am already dreaming about $$$

Monday, September 04, 2006

Drunken guilt

What happens when u are drunk? Simple-You don't remember what you have done in that supremely unconscious period. You could have abused someone, pranced about naked or just slept throughout. All ur endeavours are fed to u later by ur friends (who were and weren't there when u got drunk).

Next morning your 'Drunken Guilt' also comes to senses along with you and you start to feel it. You don't know whom to apologize and for what. So you try to rack ur brains trying to remember the past night which gives u a better headache. So you start feeling guilty about the endless list of things you could have done during that heavenly period.

I have many solutions for this.
1)Try to get drunk in a room which has a video camera recording in it. Atleast you can see what u did and not feel guilty about the things u didn't do.
2)Always have a drunken guilt (like our politicians).

What say?