Monday, August 28, 2006

Motivation (cont...)

I was thinking regarding motivation in one's life. What motivates a person ??
I found that even though I said a person can have different motivations, there is a common underlying logic behind all of them. " Its one's competition against oneself ".

I feel that a person has 2 different images. One is the internal image and the second is the external image(or the real image). The internal/virtual image is what a person believes he can be like a Superman or a Beggar. The external image on the other hand is what the person actually is in real life.

Real image <= Virtual image -> since -> consciouusmind <= subconscious mind.

I feel that a person feels the lack of motivation when his perceived image matches is real image or that there is a tremendous difference between the two.

In short my lack of motivation can either be due to my inferior complex or due to the fullfillment of my dreams...What can it be??

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