Friday, October 13, 2006

Tip of the iceberg

I am always worried of availing any service such as taking a taxi service to the airport, having a waiter bring my food etc. Its not only the quality of service I am worried about...but its also the TIP I have to pay later. (For those unaware few, it is a culture in USA to tip a person after being serviced)

Its hard to figure out sometimes whether to tip a person or not. Do u tip a cashier or person checking baggage at the airport curb? Its also a nightmare to estimate how much tip to pay a person. Is 10% ok or does he deserve 15%. It becomes worse when you live in a 5 star hotel and have to look around to see what amount people give as a tip. If someone gives a 10$ then you are doomed as the person expects the same tip from you.

I can tell you from my experience that people will give u all sorts of looks when not tipped properly. If you get a constipated face after you the tip was wrong. Here in USA I have observed that if you are an Indian then most of the times they provide you with a grouchy service due to their belief that we are not going to tip them. So we end up tipping more to improve our image. (Now get the reason why USA wants more Indians !!)

Like a modern day Shakesphere I have the dilemma..."To Tip of not to Tip". I am going to take this small step to stop the menance...I am not going to tip you for reading this blog...and stop giving me those stares.

(p.s: OK OK ... when I come back to India I will tip you all...the only thing you have to do is comment on this blog entry and earn ur tip)


Saurabh Chobe said...

You have earned ur tip..I mean treat

Anonymous said... should be tipped for writing the blog...good work