Friday, October 13, 2006

My trip to New York

I recently had gone to New York for 2 days on a business trip. Here is a short trivia of it.

Manhattan(in New York) reminds you a lot of Mumbai or Laxmi Road in Pune. All the streets are crowded and there is a splurge of colors everywhere. Like our 'bhel' and 'panipuri' stalls, you can find hot dog stands and hawkers all along the street. All along in Manhattan, you will find smartly dressed people most of whom are wearing suits. One may feel the odd man out if you are not wearing formals.

The world is a very small place. I found a person who had stayed previously in Kothrud and now had shifted to New York. He was working at the airport and helped me with changing the flights. Its great to meet such a person as he has tons of advice for you. One can find lots of Indian taxi drivers in New york. They are very friendly and have to talk about affairs of the whole world in the short ride time.

What can I say more...I LOVE NEW YORK

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