Friday, September 08, 2006

My face value = Cheat

We have observed that people have a habit of passing judgements by looking at a person's face. They think they are able to tell whether he/she is a rich, egoistic or a plain stupid (having a big question mark on his face). In this aspect, I have reasons to believe that the value associated with my face is that of a prankster or a cheat.(photo in my profile for reference)

1) At the 10th Board Exams I was the only person to be checked for 'chits/hidden notes' in the whole class.
2) Every year during my BE, I was to be checked for hidden chits.
3) Even during my MS, people come up to me for putting in proxies even though I don't know them.

What makes a person's face the way it is? Are they really the reflection of his genes and intentions? How are people able to identify these characteristics in a person? Are these face patterns stored in a person's brain when he is born (filtered through evolution) or get created depending upon his life experiences. If we can get a statistical survey of various parameters of a face then a real cheat can create an 'honest face' through plastic surgery and become the con man of the century (maybe like " Mhamta Gnahdi "....u definately must have read it as Mahatma Gandhi...why do people hate that man so much?)

Neways as most of u would know, I am above average in terms of getting grades. So it hurts evertime I am checked for cheating. I think its high time for me to start wearing 'shades/goggles' to hide my real face and bring out the cool many of the Bollywood actors do. As the saying goes.."Who says life is fair" !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm Pretty sure that you are good at getting above average grades. but there hides something behind this
'face-off' Chobe. ;) hahaha... something which i cannot put on this comment box as it would provoke its !!!!