Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why the world doesn't need 'Shaadi.com'

I recently had the misfortune of encountering 'Shaadi.com' website when I was checking my mail. As I too am of marriageable age, I decided to checkout the site in detail. I entered my 'ideal girl' parameters and guess what I found out...utter crap. All the girls there were bad looking and had utterly boring preferences for a husband.

This set me thinking about the site. Why do they show such crap to the 'guests' browsing through and expect them to pay money to register to this site. Atleast they should try to bluff us in this way:
They can create dummy profiles of good looking people and put them on display for us. Later when we register and try to contact these people, the can send dummy messages saying these people are not interested in ur profile. Atleast people won't repent spending their money on this site.

From looking at 'Shaadi.com', I have now come up with an idea for making money on the internet. You all the the very popular site 'Orkut.com' which hosts millions of profiles of people. All I have to do is make an interface that looks like Shaadi.com' and the search through 'orkut' database for the perfect girl/boy. Plus we Indians search for a suitable match through friends and relatives...and BINGO
we can seach through friends -> friends -> friends.. on orkut. I am already dreaming about $$$

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