Friday, August 25, 2006

Motivation in life..

I am currently feeling very bored...I don't feel like getting up, eating breakfast or atending classes.
Why is this occuring ?
maybe I am not finding my 'MOTIVATION' now is my task to find it
What can be one's motivation in life ... would it be parents,money, hot girls blah blah blah ...
I can safetly say that my motivation changes from day to day. One day its a girl I see in college...the other day its the money incentive after completing MS.
So to be motivated throughout life, one needs to be constantly searching for new motivations or for lazy people like me, it should be a one that lasts my lifetime.
That means it should last till (death - 1 ) sec...what can be such a motivation?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha, you just made me realize something. Constantly search for new motivations? I should do that. I'm demotivated for the moset part nowadays!