Monday, August 21, 2006

Why I selected "hmmmm......" as the name

Well as is the ritual I must say "This is my first post...YIPPEEE !!!".... I would have been more happy if it would have been my last one.....

Well as this is my first post, I must clarify to my potential blog readers of why I chose the name "hmmmmm...." as the name. Many times in life, u must have encountered the situation where u wanted to say something but had to curtail the urge at the last moment. e.g Your Boss is blabbering away on some stupid topic in a meeting, ur relatives are irritating you on ur Birthday etc. etc. got the point ??
Well in these situations I just say "hmmmm..." All these 'hmmmm...' which I say in my day would be posted on this blog

Sounds interesting ??? (I am hearing many hmmmm' run)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hats off to your logic behind selecting the name of your blog,hmmm.It sounds so genuine and true.I have nothing more to say but hmmmm,Sumit